Beauty with Brain. She proved it through her success….. Komal Choubisa

An example of a self-made woman entrepreneur proved herself by her perseverance and persistence. She started her journey from the scratch. She authored a popular book A Starry-Eyed, which is available national/international online stores. The best to define her is she is student of life. Her parents spoiled her with nuts (dry fruits) not chocolates. Her health and fitness regime comes from them. And love for penning has all been started from a library, sitting next to father.

Your love for writing

It all came from with the inspiration of my Dad in library I would read comic books. I had huge collections of comics. I was always a day dreamer. Cruel reality of life sucks. I rarely see dreams in sleep, so I believe to live in dreams. May be destiny wanted to be like this. I couldn’t spend much time with my parents as I was living apart. I left the house in young age. I wanted my dream car. Still working for it. Journey with my father was like begun at the library and end up at the library. As he clicked a picture with the book A Starry-eyed, outside of a library, where we spent most of my childhood. Library and books attract me a lot.

What is your definition of success?

Life itself is success. Many failed to get life, or to understand the deep meaning of living a life that, “Why we are here?” Everyone has different lifestyle to pursue. One wanted materialistic world, other just spending their whole life surrounded by nature and simplicity. The marvellous future will definitely come, make your present beautiful. The grass is greener on your side of the fence. Don’t demeaning yourself by comparing with others. Life is pretty good.

What role has failure played in your journey to success?

It was always a roller coaster ride, like days and night. It wasn’t any particular event or thing that motivated me a lot. Yes, I faced a kind of harassment & violence at workplace, it was all cheap politics & propaganda, I wasn’t aware about. I slightly gone through the darker side of the world. I was stronger than anyone can imagine, I ignored with my smile. I was always a free bird, I never wanted to work under anyone. Always an entrepreneur personality was in me. I get frustrated when I don’t get like – minded surroundings. May be life wanted me to be an author, hence it made me face loads of hurdles first, from those barriers I got experiences. The day I took an oath, I would choose farming work, but avoid trusting people or working under anyone at any cost. People tend to snatch your freedom & independency. I decided to create my world. Despite being so much disciplined and close to family, my path seemed somewhere mislead. Life though, hence no grudges. I didn’t want anyone interferes into my world. I am absolutely content with whatever I have. Who has greed!

Important advice :

Never forget your roots. And never raise your ego. Be calm and subtle during success and failures. Enjoy both. Calmness will come with practice and time.

Expertise in

Researching something, and a good observer. I can learn multiple things, be it music or golf playing.

Supporting Family

Family is above all. I prefer my space, but I do take-care of them. Regular in contact with them over call. We travelled together from north to south, just to spend good time with each other. It was family time. We do celebrate occasions together. We are diverse in thoughts but connected and united by heart.

Reflection and Gratitude

It’s not like I’m blowing my own trumpet. But I admire my life, the way I am. The way I think. I’m grateful towards God, to consider me his favourite child. Because he punishes me on the spot on my wrong doing, even I can’t think negative about anyone. I’m content in my life. All I have is grateful heart.

The world is beautiful, because I see the world from my pure heart.

How did you overcome challenges or setbacks along the way?

Its entire credit goes to my smile and prayers. It’s all almighty’s divine power. Nothing else. Believe in God. Keep yourself connected with supreme power.

Any Messages and advice for Readers?

Be persistent, never leave hope, never give up. Addiction of anything is harmful. Life’s greatest pleasure can be felt without getting intoxicated. Music is a great healer, listen to good music while reading. Make your book shelf bigger than TV.

Balancing Responsibilities

My family supports me.They gave me all freedom. Despite living away from family, I never miss birthday party of my mother. I enjoyed sending gifts to father. We are connected through virtual world.


Enviousness of people. They don’t know about live and let live is the best policy. Everyone deserves freedom to live their life the way they want to.

What are your thoughts on work/life balance?

Always prefer to do what you want to do. You would be loving it. Then you don’t need to find balance anywhere. You would enjoy your work along with personal life.

So, don’t wait for the right time. Now is the time. Understand the meaning: Work is to earn money, to spend it on life which we call lifestyle.

Save but don’t only save. Live out of those savings.

Breaking Through

Despite negative remark, I didn’t give up on my dreams. Still, striving hard to design my life at the best. Yes, process got slow, yet persistent.

Working with Celebrities

One celebrity posted review about the book on her social media. It was great experience. She interacted me so politely. So humble and calm. Dedicated towards her work, so energised. I admire her as a person too.

I met loads of other celebrities during its launch. I gifted them the book. We clicked a picture together. Amazing experience.


Follow your heart. Don’t make anyone your motivator. Not even me, I am a good human being, but being an ambitious my journey was tough, thorns were there. I started too early without much experience of life. That cost me too much. It was like a kid among cruel & over smart people.

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