“Success requires happiness & balance in all areas of life”…. -Shipra Singh

“Success requires happiness & balance in all areas of life”…. -Shipra Singh

Shipra Singh, an internationally recognized coach, image consultant, POSH & Soft skill trainer, and advocate for personal development and women empowerment. She is also an ICF Certified Coach. With over a decade of coaching experience, helped over 10,000 clients improve their careers, health, wealth, and relationships. In 2023, this gorgeous woman was crowned “Mrs. Universe Creativity” in the Philippines and crowned Runner-up in the TIGP “Mrs. India 2023” pageant, earning titles like “Mrs. India Glamorous Face” and “Mrs. India Glamorous Goddess.” Professionally, She serves as the Director at Skature Consulting and Marketing Pvt Ltd and Shishwe Attire Pvt Ltd, and mentor at Aspriha Crafts. Holding a Master’s in Counselling Psychology, along with coaching certifications, LLB & Computer engineering and actively support social causes like women’s empowerment and violence prevention. This edition she has lot more to share, Lets dive in.

-PW, Shrutika N

What is your definition of success?

Success requires happiness and balance in all areas of life. Finding your purpose, making a difference, learning and growing, being resilient, balanced, honest, and giving people power are crucial. I define success as having a purpose and impacting others. It’s about being happy, growing continuously, and making a positive impact in the world.

What role has failure played in your journey to success?

I succeeded by learning from my failures. Every difficulty helped me become more motivated, flexible, understanding, driven, self-aware, and humble. Failure has always made me a stronger person. Success and wisdom come from failure. Failure revealed my strengths and shortcomings, teaching me patience, persistence, and humility. Failure taught me the ability to introspect and take spontaneous in taking action for myself, which later helped me to succeed.

How did you overcome challenges or setbacks along the way?

My passionate personality has always given me a new perspective to see challenges as an opportunity to grow. The willingness to overcome obstacles has marked my journey. Positive mentorship, resilience, self-improvement, grounded thought, flexibility, and work-life balance help me solve any situation.

Are there any funny or memorable moments on your journey to success that you can share?

There have been a lot of noteworthy events, but one sticks out in particular. Someone in the Philippines asked me if I was fluent in Spanish. When I said no, they were taken aback because they thought I was speaking to a beauty queen from Spain. My reply was, “If you understand body language and expressions, language is never a barrier to understanding what the other person is trying to communicate.” This event strengthened my bond with my sister queen and demonstrated the effectiveness of nonverbal cues.

What are your thoughts on work/life balance?

I place a high priority on work-life balance by establishing limits and being adaptable. Setting aside particular times for work, leisure, and personal pursuits aids in my harmony-keeping. My vision board gives me direction, enabling me to successfully focus and enjoy my work by tying it to my life’s mission. A balanced and satisfying personal and professional life is ensured by this strategy.

What are your top five goals for the next five years?

In the next five years, I want to expand my professional reach so that I can achieve my mission of making people understand their true potential and live their desired lives. Across the world, to date, I have reached to 7 countries, and my target is to reach 25 countries in the next 2 years, aspire to me to further grow and diversify my vision.

What advice would you give to someone starting their own journey to success?

Never be afraid of failing or what people think. Accept setbacks as learning experiences and have faith in your capacity to overcome obstacles. Keep your commitments, have a clear vision, and consider success as a marathon. Seek guidance and acknowledge accomplishments. You can achieve your dreams if you have passion, tenacity, and self-belief.

Any Messages for Readers?

My life mantra is the “triple C formula” – clarity, confidence, and courage. Everyone wants success—be confident. Be resilient and learn from mistakes. Dream big and have big hobbies. Start your success journey now for endless possibilities. Trust your skills.

-Shipra Singh

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