“Never surrender your goals, no matter how daunting they may seem.”- Sudha Verma | GAME CHANGER | PERFECT WOMAN MAGAZINE AND EVENTS

As the recent victor of Vogue Star Official, Sudha Verma, stands as a testament to perseverance and dedication. Alongside her flourishing career in modelling, and a devoted wife and mother, the trajectory of her journey has been shaped by a myriad of experiences and the influential individuals who have crossed her path. In conversation with Sudha Verma exemplifies passion required to conquer obstacles and realise one’s dreams.

How did your journey begin?

Despite limited job options growing up, I always had a passion for modelling and fashion. Opting for a career in teaching, I found joy in positively impacting young minds, encouraging them to pursue their dreams over societal norms.

How has your journey so far been?

My journey has been fulfilling yet challenging, juggling modelling with my roles as a wife, mother, and teacher demands commitment and time management. Despite the challenges, every step has been rewarding. Securing a teaching position after my master’s provided stability, enabling me to pursue modelling with Vogue Star.

What aspects of your work do you find most enjoyable?

As a teacher, watching children grow is my joy, guiding them towards their passions. Modelling brings empowerment and confidence. Despite their distinctions, both teaching and modelling allow me to express myself and make a positive impact.

What difficulties did you encounter along the way?

My mom’s support was crucial in my journey to success. Balancing family duties with career aspirations was my greatest challenge, navigating cultural expectations and scepticism. Transitioning from teaching to modelling posed another significant hurdle.

Where do you find inspiration?

My passion and determination drive me as a teacher. Interacting with today’s youth and seeing their growth fuels my perseverance. My son’s admiration motivates me to be my best self, both personally and professionally. Balancing these roles is challenging, but the inspiration from my students and son makes it all worthwhile.

How do you balance your two careers?

I prioritise effective time management and thorough preparation in my routine. Balancing teaching and modelling require clear priorities and dedicated time. Family support is crucial in managing these commitments, and I prioritise self-care to stay energised and motivated.

What message do you have for our readers?

My advice: Maintain a clear vision and unwavering determination. Balance personal and professional pursuits, and don’t let age or obligations hold you back. Your dreams are within reach; seize them with confidence and conviction.

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