“Cultivate the habits that lead you to success” …- Juhi Shrivastava

I wish there comes a time in my life where l need no introduction, well l won’t just wish for it, l’ll will work for it…says Juhi Shrivastava.

After perusing a degree in English literature and master’s in business management, she did not prefer the conventional path to corporate. She gave exam of UPSC because she was more interested in serving the nation than earning money for herself. Unfortunately, she couldn’t qualify for it. Disheartened but not broken, she started working as a teacher because that was her childhood dream.

In that profession she got all the intangible wealth…and that enriched her in many ways. As you know in India teachers are not paid the amount, they deserve… So, she switched to real estate. sales. wherein she learnt about investment and also brushed her soft skills. Currently she bagged to be in top 9 contestants of Miss India finalist in the international glamour project…

When asked about her greatest asset. She says it’s my mom’s faith in me. and her acceptance for me in my darkest days. She stood by me and never compared me to anyone, my sister has been very helpful and a pillar of strength to me

Last but not the least…

My father who has been so supportive

What is your definition of success?

Well, to me success is when you are happy and content in what you have. When you are at peace with yourself and others When you have dreams and work for it and don’t allow people or situations to bring you down..

What role has failure played in your journey to success?

Failure they rightly say is the stepping stone to success, failure actually gets you grounded. forces you to think in different ways. being a scientist’s daughter l know that even if l fails 99 times there’s success waiting for me at the 100th attempt. So, if one doesn’t give up. failure actually teaches you the way to succeed.

What are your thoughts on work life balance?

It’s very important to have balance… between work and personal life. All work and no play makes jack a dull boy and an idol mind is a devil’s workshop. so balancing both is very important. And juggling between both is a great feeling altogether.

What message would you like to give to someone starting their own journey to success?

Be original, Be authentic, don’t run behind success Develop the necessary skills and learn from your experience and mistakes

What inspired you to get ahead in life…?

My struggling days were such than like every other person who wants to be someone, there are people who constantly trying to bring you down, who bet against you and who refuse to believe in you and your potential, who insult you, who befriend you just so that they can know about your plans and next moves and brainwash you into something else. because they first gain your trust and out of jealousy just want to see you fail.

What are your top five goals for next five years?

Plans are better not revealed.

But I look forward for universal guidance and here they are –

1.Want to come up with my own business in clothing and accessories for women

2.Create a YouTube channel

3.Publish my self-written book

4.Join politics for giving back to the society

5.Be a fashion model

Any message for our Readers?

Cultivate the habits that lead you to success. Read, exercise, pray, meditate and be happy always You don’t get what you wish for but what you work for..

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